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Love Never Fails Page 6
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Page 6
Molly turned and her face lit up with a smile. “Andrew, did you have a quiet afternoon, or were you overrun with patients eager for your services?”
Miss Elliot stood behind Molly and she too turned to peer at Andrew. His gaze caught hers as he answered Molly. “Bill Crachitt had to have stitches on his forehead after a fall from his horse, and elderly Mrs. Dennis had a fainting spell that worried her daughter, but she’ll be fine. How was your afternoon?”
“Very nice, but next time you’ll have to come with us. Mrs. Gordon is a wonderful cook, and we had a chance to see Grace’s new horse.” Molly pulled off her gloves then unpinned her hat.
“And you enjoyed the afternoon, too, Miss Elliot?” Clarissa’s eyes, more violet than blue, shone in the light from the lamps and stabbed his heart with delight.
“Yes. I’ve never been on a real ranch before, and I’ve never seen so many horses in one place. We have stables at home but only horses for the carriage are housed there. Stefan rode one of the Gordon horses to view the ranch with the other men.”
“I’ve been on that ride. They own a lot of land and a great herd of cattle so horses are a necessary part of their livelihood.”
“Andrew, I’m preparing a light supper for everyone. Would you like to stay and join us?” Mrs. Whiteman nodded toward him as she removed her hat.
He hesitated only a moment. An opportunity to have more time around Miss Elliot was too good to pass up. His mother would understand as he often didn’t come home until late on Sunday evenings when he manned the clinic.
“I’d be delighted to join you, and thank you for the invitation. I look forward to hearing more about your afternoon.” As well as perhaps having a few moments to speak with Miss Elliot.
“The colonel and Mrs. Elliot have retired to their room and the others were sent to clean up a little. Molly, you come and help me. Andrew, you take the time to entertain Clarissa and Stefan.” She grasped Molly’s arm and headed to the kitchen, ignoring Molly’s sputtering objections.
Stefan raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement crossing his lips. “I think I’d like to get some of this dust off before dining again. I’m sure you two can find plenty to talk about.” He winked at his sister then turned to head upstairs.
A deep pink rose in Clarissa’s cheeks. “I’m sorry, but it looks you’ve been stranded with me for a while.”
Nothing could please him more. “Are you sure you don’t want to rest before supper?”
“Oh, no, I’m much too excited to rest even a teensy bit. Being in Texas is the most exciting thing we’ve done in a long while. Of course we do go to New Orleans often to see my aunt and uncle and cousins, but never have we traveled this far. The wide open spaces are amazing, and the people are so friendly. I don’t know what I expected, but it’s been wonderful so far.” She stopped and her fingers went to her lips. The pink blush returned to her cheeks.
“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to ramble on so. I guess it’s just the excitement of being here with Molly finally. I’m sure you’re not interested in all that.”
Andrew didn’t care what she said or the topic. He simply appreciated this amount of time to be alone no matter how long or short that time may be.
“Shall we go into the parlor where we can be more comfortable? I’d be happy to listen to tales of your journey and all the plans for your stay with the Whiteman family.” He offered his arm to her, and she placed her hand under his elbow.
Molly met Andrew and Clarissa in the entrance to the parlor. From the pink in Clarissa’s cheeks and the smile on Andrew’s face, something had been interrupted. Andrew couldn’t help but be attracted to a girl as pretty as Clarissa. There may be a difference of several years in their age, but that didn’t matter in places like Stoney Creek.
“Oh, I was coming to find you two. Supper will be ready in about half an hour. Go on into the parlor and I’ll find Stefan and the others.”
“You needn’t look far for me.”
Stefan’s voice sounded so close behind her that Molly jumped and stumbled backward. “Where did you come from?”
He laughed and reached out to steady her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
Andrew glanced down at Clarissa. “If you two don’t mind, we’ll be in the parlor. Let us know when it’s time to eat.”
Molly gazed down at Stefan’s hand on her arm. Heat filled the spot and she’d just as soon he left it there as not. “Thank you for keeping me upright. I wasn’t expecting you to be behind me is all.”
“I gathered that you were somewhat surprised.” Amusement filled his blue eyes.
Molly’s tongue decided to attach itself to the roof of her mouth. Even if she wanted to speak, she couldn’t. Whatever cords Stefan had wound around her heart earlier in the day tightened themselves now. She must remember he would be here only a short time.
As if reading her mind Stefan said, “With only two weeks to explore this wonderful land of yours, would you consider riding with me tomorrow and pointing out places of interest?”
Would she consider such a thing? Of course she would. “It’d be my pleasure to show you around.” Then she remembered Clarissa. “We must include Clarissa. I’d hate for her to be left out of anything.”
“Oh, I don’t think you have to worry about that. If my eyes don’t deceive me, I do believe the good doctor has taken an interest in my sister.”
“You really think so? With more women than eligible men in town the past few years, he could have his pick of ladies to escort around. Of course Clarissa is so pretty that she’d turn any man’s head without lifting a finger.” Molly envied her friend’s flawless cream complexion and dark hair as well as her gorgeous eyes. “She’s really beautiful, you know.”
Stefan laughed. “Yes, I do. Papa says he’s not going to let any man get close to her for many years yet. I think he has a harder job than he imagines.” He tilted his head and lifted an eyebrow. “How about yourself? You could have your pick of young men as well.”
“Hah! If there were any around to pick. I’m of a mind to start a mail-order groom service like they do for brides. I’m sure I can find enough single women who would be interested.”
“Yes, you probably would. With your energy and enthusiasm, you could do just about anything you put your mind to.”
Molly bunched her eyebrows. What did he mean by that? But before she had time to figure it out, Stefan smiled and took her hand. “I meant that as a most sincere compliment.”
“Thank you, I guess. If all the cowboys around came into town and sought us out instead of drinking and gambling down at the saloon, we would have plenty, but that’s not going to happen unless . . . well, never mind.”
What in the world was she doing talking about getting the attention of other men? Here she had a wonderful man like Stefan and she couldn’t find a better topic of conversation than the lack of males in town. How inconsiderate was that?
Juliet bounced in dancing on her tiptoes. “Mama says supper is ready, and I’m to fetch you and Clarissa.” She glanced around. “Where are Clarissa and Andrew?”
“In the parlor.”
Juliet swished her skirts and went seeking the other couple.
Molly cringed. She’d certainly botched that little time with Stefan. Maybe they could still manage some time before the evening ended, but that most likely wouldn’t happen with all the family around.
Stefan patted the hand still on his arm. “Shall we go in and join the others? Maybe we can have a few minutes after supper to continue our conversation.”
Molly gulped and her heart thudded. He did want to spend more time with her. Of course he did or he wouldn’t have asked to see her tomorrow.
All through the laughter and conversation around the table, Molly found Stefan gazing at her several times when she sneaked a peek in his direction. Heat flooded her face each time, and trying to concentrate on her food became even more difficult.
Andrew leaned forward to address Molly. “Since I have tomorrow free, Clarissa has accepted my invitation to go on a ride. Do you and Stefan wish to join us?”
From the look in his eyes, he desired a negative answer. “No, I’m sure Clarissa will enjoy things that Stefan won’t. We plan a little excursion ourselves, but we will probably find different places to visit than you two will.” Not that there were any she could think of for the moment, but at least that did give her some excuse for not tagging along with them.
Evidently Andrew preferred to be alone with Clarissa, but Molly desired the same thing with Stefan. Whenever Andrew filled in for Manfred on Saturday and Sunday, her father gave Andrew the next two days off for his own pursuits. Looked like one of them this week would be spent with Clarissa. And to that Molly had no objections.
AFTER BREAKFAST MONDAY morning Molly sat on her bed and made plans with Clarissa for their respective tours of the area. Although Andrew had grown up in Stoney Creek, Molly wanted to make sure Clarissa would learn everything about the town in her ride. She already had a list of places she’d go with Stefan.
Clarissa lay on her stomach with her chin propped in her hands. “If we plan this right, we could all meet up for lunch at the hotel.” She rolled over to her back. “That is unless your mother has something planned for us here.”
“No, I don’t think she does. She and your mother want to do a bit of shopping at that new dress shop. I think she also wants to pay a visit to Mrs. Olson and welcome her to Stoney Creek. She didn’t have time to do that properly at church on Sunday.”
“Good. The hotel would be perfect for lunch with two of the most handsome men in town. Not that I’m prejudiced for my brother, but he is dashing in his uniform.”
“Yes, he is, and Andrew is quite attractive himself.” If only Stefan’s uniform didn’t remind her every second of what he did, she’d be much happier to be seen with him in it. “Does he wear that uniform all the time?”
“Well, when we’re at home he wears any old thing, but when we’re out in public, he really likes to wear it as a reminder that we have men protecting our country for us.” She sat up and tucked her legs beneath her. “Please tell me more about Andrew.”
Laughter spilled from Molly’s lips. She’d already told everything she could rightly remember. He’d been ahead of her in school, so she hadn’t paid that much attention to him. Well, she had, but he’d been too busy making good grades to be bothered with any girls, much less one two years behind him.
“I think I’ve told you about everything there is. We’ve known each other practically all our lives. I think I did like him from afar when were in school but he never paid me any mind. I do remember he was a good athlete. He could run fast and throw a ball hard.”
Clarissa’s eyes clouded over as though she had gone into deep thinking. Molly let her be and stood to smooth out her skirt. Stefan would arrive from the hotel shortly, and she wanted to be ready.
Molly glanced back at the bed and Clarissa. “Won’t Andrew be here about the same time as Stefan?”
With a shake of her head, Clarissa puffed out a breath. “Yes, and I must be getting ready for him.” She stood and pirouetted with her hands crossed over her chest. “Oh, Molly, do you think Dr. Delmont will find me as attractive as I find him? He’s so tall and strong. And he must be smart to be a doctor with your papa.”
Molly pinned her hat in place over her curls. “Clarissa Elliot, are you smitten with our good doctor?” She grinned over her shoulder at her friend. One thing for certain, Andrew and Clarissa would make a fine-looking couple. With two whole weeks ahead, no telling what could happen.
A blush colored Clarissa’s cheeks. “I think he’s a very handsome and nice young man, and I’m glad he’s taking me around town this morning so I can get to know him better.” She grabbed Molly’s hand. “Please say you’ll ask Stefan to take you to the hotel and meet us there.”
“I will do that. The hotel has good food, and a very pleasant atmosphere.” Molly had only dined there once, but the food had been delicious and the dining room was beautiful. Still, she couldn’t help but tease a bit. “I thought you’d rather spend all your time with Andrew. Why share the time with us?”
Clarissa closed her eyes and sighed as though going into a swoon. “I thought it would be nice for Stefan to get to know Dr. Elliot, too. He’s always so critical of any man interested in me.” Her eyes opened wide. “Has he said anything to you about me?”
“No, he hasn’t.” The last thing on her mind to discuss with Stefan would be his sister and her love life. “Come, it’s time for them to be here. We can save time by being downstairs waiting for them.”
“But . . . but I thought it was better to keep men waiting in anticipation for our appearance.”
“Oh, posh, that may be fine in your social circles, but out here in Texas, we don’t waste a minute that could be spent with someone we like.” Molly checked her hat one more time before heading out the door. If Clarissa wanted to dillydally, then she could, but she would not make Stefan wait one second longer than absolutely necessary.
Stefan and Andrew entered the hallway as Molly reached the last step. “It’s nice to see you both being so punctual. I’m all ready to go.” Stefan wasn’t wearing his uniform today, but his western-style shirt and dark pants did nothing to detract from his good looks.
The two young men smiled at her, but Andrew’s gaze trailed up the stairway behind her. Good, Clarissa must have decided to come too.
Stefan reached for Molly’s hand. “You look lovely this morning. Like a ray of sunshine in your yellow dress.”
“Thank you, and I see you’ve paid a visit to the Hempstead store. You might even pass for a Texan.” Even through her lace gloves, the heat from his hand sent shivers of delight through her arm and to her heart. Would three hours alone be enough to get to know more about this man?
Andrew tucked Clarissa’s hand under his arm. “And you are lovely as well, Miss Elliot.”
Anticipation for the day ahead shone in Clarissa’s eyes as she glanced at Molly. “Thank you, Dr. Delmont. Molly and I decided that lunch together at the hotel would be a nice way to end our morning.”
Stefan chuckled. “Oh, you did, did you? Nice that you’re willing to spend some time with your big brother.” He saluted her with two fingers. “We’ll see you there.”
“Now it’s time for a tour of Stoney Creek, Texas, and all her glories.” He guided Molly to the door and turned to glance back at his sist
er and winked. “Don’t get lost, you two. See you at the hotel at noon.”
“Now y’all weren’t going to leave here without saying hello, were you?” Mama made her way from the kitchen with Mrs. Elliot right behind. “We were on our way out, too. All my family is accounted for now.”
Clarissa kissed her mother’s cheek then asked, “What will Father do today?”
“He’s taking Tom and Danny out to the Gordon spread to look into purchasing a couple of horses for our place back home.”
“And Clara is entertaining Alice and Juliet, so it’s time to be about our business. Come, Jenny. Let’s leave these young people to their fun.” Mama reached for her parasol in the hall stand. “Don’t forget yours, Molly. You know what the sun does to your complexion.” She headed for the door. “We’ll see you back here sometime this afternoon.”
Mama would have to remind her about the freckles that popped out with too much sun. She grabbed up her parasol as Andrew escorted Clarissa out to the buggy he’d rented at the livery.
Stefan placed her hand on his forearm. “I’m sure our mothers will have themselves quite the time this morning. Mine loves to check out all the stores in every town she visits.” He assisted her up to the seat in Papa’s buggy then climbed up beside her. “Where to, m’lady?”
She pointed down Main Street. “Let’s start at the end by the courthouse.” Of course it wouldn’t take any time to make the eight blocks and the town square, but then they could drive down by the creek that gave the town its name. Her mind went blank. What in the world would they talk about for three hours?
Stefan clicked the reins and guided the horse toward town. He didn’t really care about the courthouse or any other building, but as long as he could spend time with Molly, where they went or what they said didn’t matter one whit.